Thursday, December 1, 2011

Good things come to those who wait


It took me a long time to get dressed this morning. I finally settled on this outfit and I'm pretty glad I did. I knew I wanted to work around my new shoes and that I didn't want to wear a pencil skirt, which lead to my rocking the maxi, which in turn made me feel like I was in jammies all day, and that's awesome!

 So remember all that Massoni nonsense back in August? Well I went to Target on the first day, at noon, and EVERYTHING was gone, except some knee socks. All I had really wanted were the flats, so I went home sad. Well about 3 weeks ago I was looking at the sale shoes in Target and what did I find? The awesome sauce flats I'd wanted, in my size, and on sale!! There were little Target angles looking down on me that day, woowoo!!

Jacket: Target 
Top: Old Navy 
Skirt: Old Navy 
Shoes: Massoni for Target 


  1. love the look, but really digging the photo back ground of the recycle bin. fashionable and Eco-
    conscious too!

  2. oh, and i love the fact i know what your front walk looks like but not the inside of your new home. And...i am sending yours and Pete's address onto Susan Oliver so you can be included in the yearly up date!!

  3. I wish it was a recycle bin, that's just our neighbors fancy trash can, guess that's what you get when its a trash can for one.
    Thanks for making sure Susan puts us in the update. I'm excited to get the update in the mail!
